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Sunday 19 November 2023



Today's sermon focuses on A Soul-Searching Journey

The theme Scripture Passages for reflection are:

Judges 4:1-7

1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

Matthew 25:14-30

In the tapestry of our spiritual journey, the theme of "Faithful Stewards" emerges as a profound call to introspection and commitment. The passages from Judges 4:1-7, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11, and Matthew 25:14-30 intricately weave a narrative that beckons us to consider our roles as stewards entrusted with divine treasures.

In Christianity, "faithful" generally refers to individuals who are loyal, devoted, and obedient to their faith, particularly in their relationship with God. It implies a steadfast commitment to the beliefs and teachings of Christianity, living in accordance with religious principles, and maintaining trust and allegiance to God.

 A steward on the other hand is typically someone who is seen as a caretaker or manager of resources entrusted to them by God. This concept emphasizes responsible and ethical use of one's abilities, time, and material possessions for the greater good and in accordance with Christian teachings.

Let's now see who is a faithful Steward.

A faithful steward is someone who responsibly manages and takes care of resources, whether they be financial, natural, or otherwise, with integrity and a sense of accountability.

How to be a faithful Steward?

Being a faithful steward involves responsibly managing resources and fulfilling responsibilities. Prioritize ethical decision-making, practice transparency, and consider the long-term impact of your choices on both personal and communal well-being. Embrace accountability and continuous learning to enhance your stewardship skills.

Let's see Deborah's Leadership skills from Judges4:1-7

In this passage, we witness Deborah, a faithful steward of God's guidance and wisdom. She heeded the call to lead with courage, embodying the essence of stewardship by utilizing her gifts for the greater good of all. How are we also using our gifts for the greater good? Deborah's story challenges us to recognize the leadership roles assigned to us and to embrace them faithfully. Let's learn from the examples of Deborah.

Alert and Sober

The apostle Paul's words echo through time, urging us to be alert and sober. In 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 it encourages us as stewards of the Light, we are entrusted with the knowledge of the times. This passage compels us to live with a consciousness of our responsibilities, recognizing that faithfulness requires vigilance and readiness. Let's be alert and sober in discharging our duties in order to be a good and faithful stewards.

In Matthew 25:14-30, we shall be dealing with the Parable of the Talents

Jesus' parable of the talents vividly illustrates the concept of faithful stewardship. Each servant receives talents according to his ability, and the master's return reveals the varying degrees of stewardship. The call to faithful stewardship is not only a call to utilize our God-given talents but also to invest them boldly and multiply the Kingdom's riches. We are all given talents according to our abilities. How are we using them to help develop society?

Supporting Texts:

Luke 12:48 - "From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked." This verse reinforces the principle that stewardship involves accountability for the resources entrusted to us.

Proverbs 3:9 - "Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops." Stewardship extends beyond talents to include our material resources. The faithful steward acknowledges God's ownership and willingly offers the firstfruits of all blessings.

1 Corinthians 4:2 - "Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful." This succinctly encapsulates the essence of faithful stewardship—proving ourselves faithful in the trust bestowed upon us.

As we delve into the tapestry of "Faithful Stewards," the scriptures beckon us to embark on a soul-searching journey. Deborah's leadership, Paul's exhortation to be alert, and Jesus' parable of the talents converge to form a compelling narrative of responsibility, accountability, and faithful multiplication of God's gifts. May this exploration inspire us to become faithful stewards, honoring the divine trust placed upon us and embracing our roles with unwavering commitment. May God's blessings be upon us as we meditate on this sermon. Amen.

Rev. Sylvanus Kpodonu


Tanyigbe District

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