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2024/2025 Admission in progress. For more info, call: 0243115791 or 0209091616


Welcome to our online admission portal for Tanyigbe Senior High School.

Please note that ALL admissions require an in-person visit to the school. However, if distance makes travel challenging, you may complete the admission process through our online system. 

If you want to go ahead and use the Online Admission System, click on the appropriate link or ignore to abort the process.

Students who have been placed at Tanyigbe SHS automatically or through Self-Placement are requested to fill out this form, print Admission Letter & download Prospectus.

Students who wish to change their Residential Status from DAY to BOARDING should fill this form for onward processing otherwise go the FSHS Secretariat in Accra for such change. 

Students with "Day" status cannot be in the boarding house unless it has been modified in the CSSPS.

Students who have been placed in other schools but wish to be admitted at Tanyigbe SHS due to distance or residential status are cordially requested to fill out this form.

Candidates who completed JHS in the years 2023, 2022, 2021 & 2020 respectively but could not progress to SHS due to unforeseen circumstances should fill this form for reentry assessment and admission.

Note: Students who failed or had nine (9) in English, Science and/or Mathematics subjects cannot get admission.

For technical support, call: 0243115791  ||  0209091616


  1. Hi,please my name is Mr Odum, I feel the form but I didn't received any feed back. So can I please what must I do now?

    1. All forms submitted has been dealt with unless it's a Protocol request. Now all protocol requests too have been approved so might refill the Enrollment form and download the prospectus

    2. Hi I'm James.
      Please I have filled the enrollment form online but no feedback.

  2. Hi, I'm James.
    Please I have filled the enrollment forms online but no feedback.

  3. Please I'm having difficulties downloading the prospectus from this site. Is there another way I can get it? i have filled and submitted the form

  4. I have filled the form and submitted it but no feedback.

  5. I have done the enrollment pls I am waiting for the the feedback pls


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